Author: Christian

Sewer Suckin’

Sewer Suckin’

Reading Time: 2 minutesAfter seeing and shooting them at Unity day I’ve been looking forward to this gig with the Sewer Suckers in Joseph’s Well – one of my teenage haunts. I’ve not been there for some time. I took these moody black and white shots of the 

Charity Shop Goodness

Charity Shop Goodness

Reading Time: 3 minutesSo, it’s happened. As you will know, avid reader, after getting very interested in photography alongside my undergraduate dissertation, I bought myself a DSLR about 18 months ago. I remember as a teenager also being quite into photography and admiring my neighbour and scout leader 

Ride The Lasers

Ride The Lasers

Reading Time: 2 minutesWent a a random night out at Beaverworks the other day – Killertrax. It was quite quiet and not 100% my favourite music, but I took a few shots to have a go with the Canon at some club stuff, having not been out so 

Sunniva Brunel Band

Sunniva Brunel Band

Reading Time: 2 minutesI was commissioned to create these shots for Sunniva Brunel’s project, shooting their practice sessions at the College of Music. This was worrking low light, no flash obviously, trying to get shots atmospheric shots while being unobtrusive. I worked with the 50mm f/1.8 lens at 

Six Vignettes

Six Vignettes

Reading Time: 2 minutesvignette /viːˈnjɛt,vɪˈnjɛt/ noun For some reason I love the idea of a vignette in photography. A short visual statement which holds so much, but yet uncovered. Going back over the years shooting, there’s always a few odd images that have not made it into bigger 

Getting Wide

Getting Wide

Reading Time: 3 minutesOver the last couple of years of shooting, Ihave developed quite a thing for epic wide-angle scenes. I love the amount you can fit in and the really exagerated perspectives of wide angle shots. Having managed to be quite good with my svaings this year 

London Grime and Lights

London Grime and Lights

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve been down to London for work again, and as usual managed to blag my travel so I get a fair amount of time later in the day to take a look around. I’ve taken the opportunity again to have more of a wander round 



Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve had to go to Otley for a physio appointment (because in a huge city like Leeds, these things have to be right on the outskirts, making it difficult to take time from work) and as I do, I took my camera along for the 

Jon Snow

Jon Snow

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAnother quick one. Channel 4 have just done a live broadcast of the Channel 4 news from the refectory at Leeds University, and of course a quick chance to be in the audience was too good to miss. The rationale for being broadcast from a 

Light Night 2010

Light Night 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutesLight night happens every year in Leeds, with art installations over the city after dark. There’s often some very good stuff, but it can be quite hectic and busy. I was quite tired this year and not so engaged with taking pictures, but here’s a 

Hyde Park Sunsets

Hyde Park Sunsets

Reading Time: 3 minutesSo as you may have guessed, I do love a good sunset for photographic subject material. Earlier in the year I bought a couple of tinted grad filters from SRB, an engineering company who make a number of photographic products. Over this year I bought