Tag: sunset

Lincoln in Watercolour

Lincoln in Watercolour

Reading Time: 2 minutes Of course, I took the photos from Lincoln, to work from for some watercolours. All of these are from random phone pictures in the end. The end of the weekend we went down to look round the waterfront, as this is close to the station 

One Colour a Day – Week 13

One Colour a Day – Week 13

Reading Time: < 1 minutes There’s been some weather inspired colours creeping out this week. The spring sun, and sunsets, misty days and a cold. Also, a few new colours. After having had to purchase new laptops and spending about £26 Million in Lincoln, I feel skint. So only 3 

One Colour a Day – Week 11

One Colour a Day – Week 11

Reading Time: < 1 minutes We went to Lincoln this weekend, so the week was quite oriented to that. VArious of the colours are quite random, though the end of the week is inspired by Cross Country Trains, Lincoln, and the blue hour (from when I photographed more trains at 

Lincoln Part 2 – Castles, Cathedrals and Railways

Lincoln Part 2 – Castles, Cathedrals and Railways

Reading Time: 7 minutes I’ve split up the material from our visit to Lincoln, so as to not create huge long posts. On Sunday, after a very nice breakfast, and being very sad to leave the hotel room, we head out to explore the Castle and the Cathedral. The 

Kippford and Rockcliffe in watercolour

Kippford and Rockcliffe in watercolour

Reading Time: 2 minutes After coming back from Scotland I have had a play with some painting based on the scenery there, working from the photos I took. This is the view of the sunset from Rockcliffe over Urr Water. In retrospect I think this was always going to 

Charity Shop Goodness

Charity Shop Goodness

Reading Time: 3 minutes So, it’s happened. As you will know, avid reader, after getting very interested in photography alongside my undergraduate dissertation, I bought myself a DSLR about 18 months ago. I remember as a teenager also being quite into photography and admiring my neighbour and scout leader 

Six Vignettes

Six Vignettes

Reading Time: 2 minutes vignette /viːˈnjɛt,vɪˈnjɛt/ noun For some reason I love the idea of a vignette in photography. A short visual statement which holds so much, but yet uncovered. Going back over the years shooting, there’s always a few odd images that have not made it into bigger 

Hyde Park Sunsets

Hyde Park Sunsets

Reading Time: 3 minutes So as you may have guessed, I do love a good sunset for photographic subject material. Earlier in the year I bought a couple of tinted grad filters from SRB, an engineering company who make a number of photographic products. Over this year I bought 

Some final Sunsets for the Year

Some final Sunsets for the Year

Reading Time: < 1 minutes We do love a good sunset here, and as we approach the turn of the year again, here’s just a few more that I have found lying about on the hard drives, in and amongst other sets this year.

Cranes and Sunsets

Cranes and Sunsets

Reading Time: 2 minutes I guess if there’s any theme to this it’s more of the idea of looking up at the sky, but really it’s just posting a few good images. I shot the cranes over town the other morning. I loved the way they fade into the 

Rime and Sunsets

Rime and Sunsets

Reading Time: 3 minutes We’ve had a bit of a cold snap. You could tell this was on the cards from Sunday night. When there’s ice and snow in the air, but no real clouds the sky above Hyde Park takes on this eerie orange glow from the reflected 

Hyde Park Skies

Hyde Park Skies

Reading Time: < 1 minutes For somewhere that in many ways is so scummy, Hyde Park seems to have some wierd charm to it, and this is something that I guess has made up the core of this ‘blog (and the predecessors which have been subsumed into it). I’m not