Meanwood Water

After having a go in Kirkstall and Knaresborough recently, I wanted to try some more long exposure water shots. We are lucky in Leeds to be one of the greenest UK cities (not that living in Hyde Park feels like this at times) and Meanwood is only a short walk away.

Meanwood Beck rises up in Breary Marsh near to Golden Acre and flows down the valley into the Aire, with a lovely section through Meanwood Park. It’s also cross-hatched by various goyts and channels.

These are a walk up through the park into the Hollies. Something I have never found before is the lovely little waterfall by the duck pond.

I also need to pass comment on this experience. You’ll notice towards the end of the gallery a more extensive waterfall. To get this shot I was standing knee-deep in the goyt, juggling a camera and tripod to try and avoid wrecking 500 quids worth of kit. While doing so I was accosted by a “gentleman” (and I use this term loosely) who rather agressively advised me to not “take pictures of [his] kids”…

I have to perenially wonder if he genuinely beleived that I was knee deep in freezing, fast flowing water with the sole aim of waiting for his little dears to come skipping into view.

As I have commented before, the idea that Fingers The Clown lurks behind every bush seems never to die.

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