Tag: long exposure

ISS Flyby

ISS Flyby

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs a photographer, like anything, there is always a possibility that nature will not play ball. I think this rates highly as one of those. The International Space Station actually passes quite frequently and visibly, but this was supposedly a good show, where it would 

Streaks of Light

Streaks of Light

Reading Time: 4 minutes…I have been discussing this work with another photographer, Andreas Andrews, who also uses light trails and long exposures in his work, though often in his case with a very steady set up so that the background is rendered sharp and the trails very clean.  I think that both styles have their appeal – there is a definite calm to clean straight trails, but sometimes the atmosphere of a place is better rendered with some chaos and confusion…

Abstract Impressionism – Part one: Motion

Abstract Impressionism – Part one: Motion

Reading Time: 5 minutesInspired by a recent article on Digital Photography School I would also like to present some ideas for shooting beautiful impressionist images. Often in photography we strive to create realistic images, which are super-sharp and capturing what the eye actually sees. Of course, what the 

Image Tutorial – ‘Heading North, Heading Home’

Image Tutorial – ‘Heading North, Heading Home’

Reading Time: 8 minutesToday I would like to share a tutorial about how I made one of my recent images – ‘Heading North, Heading Home’. My idea for this image was something a little crunchy – not fully crisp and bright, but blending the dirt of a northern 

Meanwood Water

Meanwood Water

Reading Time: 3 minutesAfter having a go in Kirkstall and Knaresborough recently, I wanted to try some more long exposure water shots. We are lucky in Leeds to be one of the greenest UK cities (not that living in Hyde Park feels like this at times) and Meanwood 



Reading Time: 3 minutesFollowing on from my recent water pictures in Kirkstall I have had a further play with the neutral density filters and slow shutters in Knaresborough. The first set of these are just off Riverside, under the castle. There’s not as much movement in the water