Woodside Quarry

Woodside Quarry

Reading Time: 4 minutesHaving been to a couple of parties here, I have been meaning for some time to visit here for some photography. With the Indian summer this last few days I’ve taken the opportunity to do so in the sunshine. Clayton Quarry, or more correctly Woodside 

Hidden Corners of Meanwood Park

Hidden Corners of Meanwood Park

Reading Time: 2 minutesI have been exploring more around Meanwood Park, now I live here again, and have found plenty of interesting corners I’ve not discovered before, such as the old Highbury Cricket Ground, and this amazing Boulder Gate up by the Myrtle pub. This has been a 

Meanwood Road Urbexing

Meanwood Road Urbexing

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhen thinking of Meanwood, the park is of course the defining factor for many, or The Beck which defines the valley. The Beck, of course, flows down the side of Meanwood Road towards Sheepscar eventually reaching the River Aire. Along this path, has been various 

Further Experiments with Film

Further Experiments with Film

Reading Time: 3 minutesI’ve just got the second film back from expreiments with the new practika camera. Again, I am blown away by how these look, the feel of them is very different from digital and far more forgiving of exposure. The first set here are from an 

Charity Shop Goodness

Charity Shop Goodness

Reading Time: 3 minutesSo, it’s happened. As you will know, avid reader, after getting very interested in photography alongside my undergraduate dissertation, I bought myself a DSLR about 18 months ago. I remember as a teenager also being quite into photography and admiring my neighbour and scout leader 

Getting Wide

Getting Wide

Reading Time: 3 minutesOver the last couple of years of shooting, Ihave developed quite a thing for epic wide-angle scenes. I love the amount you can fit in and the really exagerated perspectives of wide angle shots. Having managed to be quite good with my svaings this year 



Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve had to go to Otley for a physio appointment (because in a huge city like Leeds, these things have to be right on the outskirts, making it difficult to take time from work) and as I do, I took my camera along for the 

Meanwood Water

Meanwood Water

Reading Time: 3 minutesAfter having a go in Kirkstall and Knaresborough recently, I wanted to try some more long exposure water shots. We are lucky in Leeds to be one of the greenest UK cities (not that living in Hyde Park feels like this at times) and Meanwood 

Roundhay Park

Roundhay Park

Reading Time: 2 minutesAfter the food festival the other day it seems I am back in Roundhay again. It’s easy to forget how much Roundhay Park has to offer. It is quite huge, over 700 acres in total. After being under various ownerships over centuries, Roundhay park was 

River, Abbey, Pylons

River, Abbey, Pylons

Reading Time: 3 minutesKirkstall is a very interesting area of Leeds, if you spend the time to look around. This is where the river aire flows into the city though a mish mash of old industry, reclaimed nature reserves, and of course the Abbey, once the true gateway 



Reading Time: 3 minutesFollowing on from my recent water pictures in Kirkstall I have had a further play with the neutral density filters and slow shutters in Knaresborough. The first set of these are just off Riverside, under the castle. There’s not as much movement in the water 

Backstreets and Rooftops Part 4

Backstreets and Rooftops Part 4

Reading Time: 4 minutesFor this final (for now) installment of Backstreets and Rooftops, I took myself deeper into the University Campus. I’ve been very inspired by this project, and hope to gather the absolute best of these (as I know I have posted many shots over these four