Author: Christian

Emily’s Party

Emily’s Party

Reading Time: 3 minutesSo one of my good friends has had a little birthday shindig, and I have been along capturing the event, and also roped into sound engineering. As seems to be the thing at the moment, we had a bit of Burlesque. This of course, I 

Foodie Festival

Foodie Festival

Reading Time: 2 minutesWell, this was just one of the random things. My Partner answered one of those random radio phone in call outs and got some tickets to the Leeds Food Festival in Roundhay Park. I love food, I love nice food, but this is something that 

Not A Thimble

Not A Thimble

Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you move in such circles, you may have heard about the stupid fucking furore surrounding Thimbleberry Festival. This is a small underground festival, which as had it’s license pulled and the organiser up on criminal charges for alleged drug issues at the event. Here’s 

River, Abbey, Pylons

River, Abbey, Pylons

Reading Time: 3 minutesKirkstall is a very interesting area of Leeds, if you spend the time to look around. This is where the river aire flows into the city though a mish mash of old industry, reclaimed nature reserves, and of course the Abbey, once the true gateway 



Reading Time: 3 minutesFollowing on from my recent water pictures in Kirkstall I have had a further play with the neutral density filters and slow shutters in Knaresborough. The first set of these are just off Riverside, under the castle. There’s not as much movement in the water 



Reading Time: 2 minutesOver the last year or so I have played a lot with Macro Photography, particularly flowers, and also (because where there are flowers there are…) bugs! Getting in close with little creatures gives a really different an interesting view on the world we live in, 

Leeds Street Shots

Leeds Street Shots

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe went into town the other day, for something to do, to have a look at the Leeds Museum, which opened (in its current form aabout a year ago, and I have never, so far, been). I didn’t really take many pictures in the museum 

Beards Again

Beards Again

Reading Time: 2 minutesSo, with somewhat better weather this year, after the horrors of the Tornado of 2009, we’ve just got back from Bearded Theory. This year we’ve had  The King Blues, New Model Army and Dreadzone, plus The Wonder Stuff, Pama International, Neville Staple, Dodgy, Banco De 

Night Trip

Night Trip

Reading Time: 2 minutesI’ve taken the Lensbaby with the Plastic Optic, and a new star filter out for an evening walk the other day. Talking to both the world through plastic idea and the Backstreets and Rooftops project this has created some intresting and slightly tripped out images.

South Bank, Mostly

South Bank, Mostly

Reading Time: 3 minutesAnd again, I have got to go play round London. My love of food lead me again to Borough Market, as is typical, and I decided to walk further along the river this time. I’ve focussed a lot on looking up at the rooftops in 

Plant Portraits

Plant Portraits

Reading Time: 2 minutesI have been reading somewhere (of course, in a few days I have lost the source) a little about Bonsai Portraiture – obviously something very much of a simple Japanese aesthetic. I don’t have any bonsai trees, but I thought I would grab a few