
In an effort to get out and about a little more after successive lockdowns we took a trip over to york for the day. Similar to Bradford, we made the mistake of not really thinking about bank holidays and the fact that still many things are in flux. We aimed, perhaps to visit the viking centre, but of course that was booked up. Those of us who like shopping were happy, but the kids were a bit of a pain.

Nonetheless I got some images – again with the S20FE. We started off round the Minster. Like so many churches now, this costs to get in. I appreciate that maintaining the place costs (apparently) £30,000 a day and they do state you may come in to pray or worship without paying, but at £16 a head, even with children free this is quite a lot of money and limits participation in heritage to the wealthy. I am far more likely to visit and leave a donation within my means, if I am not charged a compulsary and (some may say) extortionate fee.

We walked round some of the walls, which is always interesting and I do like a good rooftop.

After some shopping we tried to find somewhere to have a drink, but due to being a blazing hot bank holiday this proved more trouble that it was worth and with fraying tempers we decided that (some of us at least) would relive our youths and get a couple of cans of cider and sit in the museam gardens while the younger generation made pests of themselves. Then we walked back via Micklegate and St Michaels Lane.

All in all it could have been a better planned day, but at least it was sunny.

Heres ther obligatory panorama with the feature on my new phone.

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