Charity Shop Goodness

Charity Shop Goodness

Reading Time: 3 minutes So, it’s happened. As you will know, avid reader, after getting very interested in photography alongside my undergraduate dissertation, I bought myself a DSLR about 18 months ago. I remember as a teenager also being quite into photography and admiring my neighbour and scout leader 



Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve had to go to Otley for a physio appointment (because in a huge city like Leeds, these things have to be right on the outskirts, making it difficult to take time from work) and as I do, I took my camera along for the 

Flower Studies

Flower Studies

Reading Time: 4 minutes Over the year I have been exprerimenting quite a lot with flowers. I started this last year with the Tamron Macro Lens, but since Christmas I have been doing a lot of work with the Lensbaby Composer and the Macro Magnifying lenses, inspired by the 



Reading Time: 3 minutes Following on from my recent water pictures in Kirkstall I have had a further play with the neutral density filters and slow shutters in Knaresborough. The first set of these are just off Riverside, under the castle. There’s not as much movement in the water 



Reading Time: 2 minutes Over the last year or so I have played a lot with Macro Photography, particularly flowers, and also (because where there are flowers there are…) bugs! Getting in close with little creatures gives a really different an interesting view on the world we live in, 

The World Through Plastic

The World Through Plastic

Reading Time: 2 minutes I got out and a bout today to actually have a good outside test of the Plastic optic for my Lensbaby Composer, took it down to Woodhouse Moor to see what I could see. The weather is still vile, though as you can see a 

Shooting the Moon

Shooting the Moon

Reading Time: < 1 minutes Just a quick one to share this image (after a few attempts) of the moon through my Tamron Zoom lens…

Mushroom Season

Mushroom Season

Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes I do think that I am a little odd. I found these mushrooms growing on the edge of campus, and of course just had to get the camera and grovel about in the wet to take photos…

Alternative Views of Hyde Park

Alternative Views of Hyde Park

Reading Time: 2 minutes This is broadly just another round up of some photos from Hyde Park over the last few months. I guess the theme is looking beyond the expected, and picking out some interesting vignettes, both on a micro and macro scale, which add to the body 

Took a silly lens to London, and shot a few Squiggles

Took a silly lens to London, and shot a few Squiggles

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’ve just received a quite cool fisheye adapter which screws onto the front of my kit lens. Fisheye lenses tend to be those with a focal length of less than about 14mm (full frame) and come in two types – circular (which create a circular 

Tropical World

Tropical World

Reading Time: 3 minutes I last went to Tropical World in Roundhay about 20 years ago, still slightly tripping after a Heineken Festival (at the age where it still seemed amusing to try and teach the mynah birds to say “fuck”)… It’s been very interesting to go there again, 

Ilkley to Bingley Trek

Ilkley to Bingley Trek

Reading Time: 3 minutes We took a walk over the top of Ilkley Moor the other day. I’ve been a few times up to the Cow and Calf, but never really explored much of the rest of the moor. I was researching celtic stoneworks and ended up with various