Tag: decay

Meanwood Road Urbexing

Meanwood Road Urbexing

Reading Time: 2 minutes When thinking of Meanwood, the park is of course the defining factor for many, or The Beck which defines the valley. The Beck, of course, flows down the side of Meanwood Road towards Sheepscar eventually reaching the River Aire. Along this path, has been various 



Reading Time: < 1 minutes Some breif, boredom releiving experiments with the Lensbaby Macro Magnifiers. Just thought I would share this macro of a decayed, mummified russian dwarf hamster. You’re welcome.

Textures of Dereliction

Textures of Dereliction

Reading Time: 3 minutes These are some more images from Hyde Park and the surrounding areas, taken alongside some of my research photos – these are much more an aesthetic project, aiming to capture the micro textuaral details, isolating these from the full scene. Though of course these are 

A Visual Ethnography of Hyde Park

A Visual Ethnography of Hyde Park

Reading Time: 4 minutes So this is starting to bring together the ideas I have for my Dissertation, and the reason I bought this little camera last year. In the course of my life in Hyde park, I have been acting the role of ‘researcher participat[ing]’, as Herbert Gans