Tag: birds



Reading Time: 2 minutes I have recently been in some rather lengthy training for work, and while I have always been a doodler in meetings, I had one of my small sketchbooks with me and throught I would do my doodles in the sketchbook. I was quite impressed with 

Kippford and Rockcliffe

Kippford and Rockcliffe

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s rarer at the moment that I have been able to get out to intereting places and have some time to actually focus on photography recently, but I recently got the chance on a flying visit (for family affairs) to Kippford in Kirkcudbrightshire. This is 

Roundhay Park

Roundhay Park

Reading Time: 2 minutes After the food festival the other day it seems I am back in Roundhay again. It’s easy to forget how much Roundhay Park has to offer. It is quite huge, over 700 acres in total. After being under various ownerships over centuries, Roundhay park was 

The Birds, The Birds…

The Birds, The Birds…

Reading Time: 2 minutes On of the joys of living in a built up inner city area is the wildlife. I mean who could not adore the crows and seagulls squawking and bickering all the time. As you may guess I am being a little sarcastic here, but they