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So Tell Us…

So Tell Us…

Reading Time: 6 minutesSo tell us about this new project then? I started writing this about 20 odd years ago – I guess quite a lot was the standard teenage/early 20s angst type stuff – it was all based around leaving Cambridge and moving up to Leeds, growing 



Reading Time: 3 minutesTerminus (n). The end, an etremity, and a Roman god of boundaries. What is this place of which we speak… Terminus has been around for a few months now. It had been whispered about for some time, that The Meanwood Brewery (which was previously in 



Reading Time: 4 minutesRather randomly, one of the children, when asked where they might like to go for a day out was adamant that we should go to Halifax. I’ve nothing against Halifax, I quite like it as it has some very interesting buildings, but it seemed an 

Feast of Fools

Feast of Fools

Reading Time: 2 minutesLaughing, shouting, screaming, pouting,Spinning, wheeling, double-dealing,Up and down and in and out,Nameless faces, I can’t count,Dancing, prancing, dicing, chancing,Running, jumping, leaping, bumping,Never stopping, never dropping,Going on and on and on,This is all my life is for,Had enough and still need more,This is all I’m going 

21st Century Carol

21st Century Carol

Reading Time: < 1 minuteSo. It’s here. It’s been a pretty chaotic few weeks, what with Christmas preparations, work exhaustion, my heating breaking down and various other general life issues, but I have actually done it. 21st Century Carol by Requiem Ensanglanté I came up with a weird idea 

Hometown (The Soil That Grew Me)

Hometown (The Soil That Grew Me)

Reading Time: 2 minutesFor 50 square miles she lies spread out before me,Like a dog to her master, this city’s enslaved me,High on the hills I see the lights all around me,I wish when I spoke, that this town could hear me, Home town. In the shadow of 

Making a Splash!

Making a Splash!

Reading Time: 2 minutesBack in the glory days of film photography, there were all manner of cheap and cheerful fun cameras doing the rounds. One of the best of these has to have been waterproof cameras. Often you could pick these up as disposables but there were also 

Scotch Chrome

Scotch Chrome

Reading Time: 4 minutesI have been going back a bit to get some more ‘blog style posts onto this site (something I originally aimed to do) – inspired in part by managing to edit a good selection of film scans which have been hanging about for ages, and 

Witchy Places

Witchy Places

Reading Time: 3 minutesI have visited Knaresborough quite a few times to walk, and shoot and entertain small children, but I had not visited it’s so called main attraction – Mother Shiptons Caves. As a bit of a summer treat we took the younger two out for the 



Reading Time: 2 minutesSkipton is another place that, although broadly on my doorstep, I have never actually explored. I have kept meaning to walk there as a part of my canal project, but this time we got the train. What struck me about the place is that it 

Purple Haze

Purple Haze

Reading Time: 2 minutesOnce again, the lure of the Lomo hits… It’s funny, I have such a love/hate relationship with this idea. My practise totally encompasses mad experimentation, but the obsessive commercialisation of it from the Lomography movement is somehow distatseful. Nonetheless, when I happened across some Lomochrome 

Images from The Underground

Images from The Underground

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter a certain amount of thought, I have decided to cull the Images From The Underground Website. There’s a few reasons for this – to be fair, in the days of social media, the people who I would like to engage with this project do