Author: Christian

This is the new shit…

This is the new shit…

Reading Time: 2 minutesOK. So probably a couple of years ago now I posted about my eventual aim to get Suburban Acid Saturation up and moving again, following a bit of an extended hiatus from life getting in the way… Now it it time to update and unveil 

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHappy Christmas one and all, it’s been a wild and creative year. I am about to tuck into a feast.

Shooting Strangers

Shooting Strangers

Reading Time: 8 minutes…photographing a stranger can constitute harassment. In general, harassment requires repetition. There are some cases where it may not – for example if I were to I sneak up behind someone at ground level to capture an ‘upskirt’ this could clearly and rightly be defined as sexual harassment. But the defining factor here is that the person concerned would have an expectation that, although they are in public, the public do not have a reasonable right to take picture of their gusset…

Photocamp 2013

Photocamp 2013

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt’s been a busy weekend here. I must confess I was a little apprehensive about all this. Not really by choice, but simply because I haven’t really found many people as obsessed as I am with taking pictures , much of my photography has been 

The Wedding (Revisited)

The Wedding (Revisited)

Reading Time: 2 minutesI also shot a bit of film at the wedding I have talked about in my last post – largely for amusement and experimentation. I think these have actually come out very well – but I can’t imagine shooting a whole wedding event to film, 

The Wedding

The Wedding

Reading Time: 4 minutes‘Don’t do it’, they all say… ‘Shooting a wedding for a fried or family member is a baaaaad idea.’ Of course many photographers would love the chance to jump in and shoot a wedding – for may it is seen as a surefire way to 

Kruidvat Keroppi

Kruidvat Keroppi

Reading Time: 2 minutesPardon? I appreciate this sounds like some utterance one might expect from a frog… Which I guess is fitting as Keroppi is in fact a frog and this relates to a quirky little Keroppi branded camera. I loaded this with Kruidvat 200 film – I 

Butterley Spillway Exhibition

Butterley Spillway Exhibition

Reading Time: < 1 minute…one of my images will be featuring in an exhibition at A Month of Sundaes in Marsden, for the Save Butterley Spillway campaign which is trying to prevent Yorkshire Water from destroying this unique piece of Victorian architectural engineering…

ISS Flyby

ISS Flyby

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs a photographer, like anything, there is always a possibility that nature will not play ball. I think this rates highly as one of those. The International Space Station actually passes quite frequently and visibly, but this was supposedly a good show, where it would 

Unity Day Program

Unity Day Program

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA couple of my images featuring on the Programme for this year’s Hyde Park Unity Day… Be There.

Focal Length, Depth of Field, and Field of View

Focal Length, Depth of Field, and Field of View

Reading Time: 12 minutesFocal Length, Field of View and Depth of Field… These all sound very exciting. Or maybe not. Perhaps they just sound slightly frightening. They are the sort of thing that you can delve into in quite some complexity, or try to avoid as much as 

How to fuel your GAS – A buying guide for second hand cameras

How to fuel your GAS – A buying guide for second hand cameras

Reading Time: 10 minutesI have come to accept that I have GAS and I cannot control it. GAS? Gear Acquisition Syndrome. I had to put this in because it is the oldest puerile joke among photographers, but now it is out of the way I will get on