Tag: winter

Snowy scenes

Snowy scenes

Reading Time: < 1 minutes I just thought I would post these as I am quite pleased with them and they are the beginning of a bit of a themed project over winter, These are sketches, based on mini-tutorials on https://watercolourlandscapes.co.uk/ on painting snow and mountains. Then I thought I 

One Colour a Day – Week 4

One Colour a Day – Week 4

Reading Time: < 1 minutes Week 4 of my One Colour a Day book project. The week has started quite nicely, though the westher is still pants, but we have all started to feel quite poorly towards the end of the week…

Some More Landscapes

Some More Landscapes

Reading Time: < 1 minutes These are just a couple more landscapes I have been working on in the run up to Christmas. The first of these is another from Wales – Yr Hen Bont in Cwm Hafodyredwydd. I’m not quite happy with this. I loved the effect from the 

Winter Watercolours

Winter Watercolours

Reading Time: 2 minutes When we left for York to go to the markets the other weekend, it was incredibly misty and frosty, thurning the fields and industrial areas of South Leeds into ‘scapes of grey and white. I am kicking myself now for not taking a large number 

Howarth Winter

Howarth Winter

Reading Time: 3 minutes As those who have viewed my photography at length may well know, I’ve spent quite a lot of time in Howarth, mostly because of it’s location on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway. Sometimes this has been with the smaller and younger generation, others we 

Winter Snow and Lights

Winter Snow and Lights

Reading Time: 2 minutes So on the eve of the new year, we have been treated with a little bit of proper winter. Doubtless we’ll end up having a pretty shit spring and I will eat those words, but actually having some snow and the chance to have a 

Misty Park

Misty Park

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s been incredible misty the other day, and we went for a wintery walk in the park. I took these images, but thought I’d do something a bit different with them, and procesed them in Adobe Camera Raw into this slightly sepia toned high contrast.

Caiti and Rich’s Wedding

Caiti and Rich’s Wedding

Reading Time: 2 minutes And here we are again. Always I try and avoid getting roped into weddings. And always I seem to end up doing it. Caiti and Rich’s wedding was in a rather nice pub in Appletreewick though, and so although I was actually feeling quite ill 



Reading Time: 2 minutes After the floods of a couple of weeks ago we now have some fairly impressive snow, for Leeds at least. These are round meanwood mill pond. I’ve also taken the opportunity for a bit more arty shutter dragging which has worked very well in these 



Reading Time: 3 minutes Just a quick one. We have some pretty impressive flooding going on in Meanwood at the moment. I have braved the rain to get these shots.



Reading Time: 2 minutes …one image every day for an entire year. It is often seen as a kind of rite of passage for a photographer.

In the end I had to abandon this, not because of taking the images, but keeping up with regular editing and uploading proved hard…

Six Vignettes

Six Vignettes

Reading Time: 2 minutes vignette /viːˈnjɛt,vɪˈnjɛt/ noun For some reason I love the idea of a vignette in photography. A short visual statement which holds so much, but yet uncovered. Going back over the years shooting, there’s always a few odd images that have not made it into bigger