Tag: cross processing

Scotch Chrome

Scotch Chrome

Reading Time: 4 minutesI have been going back a bit to get some more ‘blog style posts onto this site (something I originally aimed to do) – inspired in part by managing to edit a good selection of film scans which have been hanging about for ages, and 

Blue Bleach Bypass

Blue Bleach Bypass

Reading Time: 2 minutesEver pushing the boundaries of odd techniques in kitchen development – I decided in the middle of a hectic and busy developing session recently to try something a bit odd. Cross processed, bleach bypass slide film. An experiment in blue Quite what led me to 



Reading Time: 3 minutesI found this little page today, and thought that I would re-blog it. http://pixelfarmize.wordpress.com/2009/04/16/xpro-film-chart/ It has got me thinking a bit about cross-processing, and the results that you get. Cross processing has become a bit of a trend at the moment, with the whole l*mography