Inner City Noise Pollution
Every now and again you have things in life which do your head in. You love them and hate them at the same measure. I am not talking about family here – this tune is something that has been knocking about for a while, in a few live sets and when I started moving towards getting my live material recorded it was the first I went with.
I hoped to have it finished, and thought I had. But it’s not quite got the whack it needs. Anyway, here it is – I would gladly listen to any thoughts…
For those that are into such things – here’s a bit of info about the tune. It slots into live sets at the 3/4 hour mark in a 1 hour set. Two or three tunes before the end, where the power of the set reaches a shoulder, to drop back a little before it goes crazy again. So it’s pretty extravagant – with the full on trio of guitars, acid lines and synth hooks that I love. The main synth came from the Korg MicroKorg with support from the various electribes.