Beer, food, trains…

Beer, food, trains…

Reading Time: 3 minutes Somewhere I have been meaning to get to again for some time, is Middleton Railway. This little heritage line, tucked away in the arse-end-of-the-least-salubroious-area of Leeds is actually the oldest surviving railway in the world. Built as a horse drawn waggonway in 1758 to serve 



Reading Time: 3 minutes It was nice, this time in Norfolk to get a chance to actually look around Wymondham, which is a very pretty little town. The flint and redbrick is very apparent, on the bridge over the River Tiffey, and the Walls around Wymondham Abbey. I loved 

Witherslack Hall

Witherslack Hall

Reading Time: 3 minutes We all know I do love a good bit of railway action, and the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway can be quite a regular haunt. I am much more into diesels, but I love a steam train as much as anyone. It was, however, the 

Praktica TL-5B and Ilford XP2

Praktica TL-5B and Ilford XP2

Reading Time: 2 minutes I have quite a thing for Ilford XP-2 film. For those who don’t know this is a C41 (i.e. the colour process) film, designed to be printed as black and white – aimed at those who want monochrome images without black and white processing. However, 

Steam Trains!

Steam Trains!

Reading Time: 2 minutes This is somewhere I have been meaning to go for some time. The Keighley and Worth Valley Railway is a heritage line running from Keighley to Oxenhope. Along the route is Haworth, which is also a lovely place to visit in its own right. The 

Exploring The Docklands

Exploring The Docklands

Reading Time: 4 minutes For this month’s London extravaganxa I decided to go out a bit further afield and take a trek out to Greenwich and the Docklands. A long time ago I went on a scout trip staying on the Lord Amory and remember a night walk including