Whitby and its Many Many Steps

Kind of in lieu of any real holiday, what with the impact of the cost of living making us totally boody skint again, we’ve had our annual funded-by-my-trade-union day jaunt to Whitby again. The weather has been decidedly nicer this time around compared to last time (which was some time ago now, due to the impact of the dreaded Covid). The Children, however were not nicer and seemed to have reached the age where they didn’t want to chuck themselves in the sea, nor look round little shops and became a counfounded nuisance.

Anyway. Here’s a few views from the town and the beach.

What I have wanted to do, however, was to actually walk up the many steps to The Abbey. This was solved by the fact that approaching them, the children decided to make a dash up them before us aging old folk coulkd stop them, and so we were destined to follow.

It’s actually worth the hike, hard work though it is, with the 199 steps being 6 more than Covent Garden, which comes with a health warning…

The view is certainly spectacular, but by this time we were really wanting a beer!

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