
Final set from my explorations of parts of East Anglia, is a little about Norwich. Starting with the slightly suprising siight of a Jaguar fighter outside the registry office…

But a little more exploring was done the next day.

The walk along the river the to Cathedral is peaceful and traquil. The Flint and Red-Brick is still apparent in this 17th century ferry building.

One of the main things I wanted to do in Norwich was visit the Catheral, and I was impressed to find that it was free to do so (so gave them a suitable donation) – I’ve discussed this numerous times before…

The Cathedral is interesting in that there is almost a building within a building – a vaulted corridor runs round the outside of the main builing, with the interior almost closed off – more than many similar cathedrals, such as Lincoln and Ripon. This creates quite a feeling of quiet within the building.

As is so often the case, time is an enemy to looking around (as was heat and tiredness that day) so this is only a small taste of what Norwich has to see. Hidden away are historic back streets, and interesting shops aplenty – I will be exploring more when I can.

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