Tag: Lincoln

Lincoln in Watercolour

Lincoln in Watercolour

Reading Time: 2 minutesOf course, I took the photos from Lincoln, to work from for some watercolours. All of these are from random phone pictures in the end. The end of the weekend we went down to look round the waterfront, as this is close to the station 

One Colour a Day – Week 11

One Colour a Day – Week 11

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe went to Lincoln this weekend, so the week was quite oriented to that. VArious of the colours are quite random, though the end of the week is inspired by Cross Country Trains, Lincoln, and the blue hour (from when I photographed more trains at 

Lincoln Part 2 – Castles, Cathedrals and Railways

Lincoln Part 2 – Castles, Cathedrals and Railways

Reading Time: 7 minutesI’ve split up the material from our visit to Lincoln, so as to not create huge long posts. On Sunday, after a very nice breakfast, and being very sad to leave the hotel room, we head out to explore the Castle and the Cathedral. The 

Trip to Lincoln – Shopping and Dining and Pretty Things

Trip to Lincoln – Shopping and Dining and Pretty Things

Reading Time: 3 minutesThere’s been mutterings from T’Other ‘Alf that we don’t go away enough. I have to say I am quite lazy about such things, which is odd as I love getting out and the chance to actually do a bit of photography from time to time