Tag: green

Pine Trees

Pine Trees

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhile on our first (hopefully of many) walks of the year I took a photo, as I have before, of the pine trees on Parkside Road. I’m always fascinated by these trees and (I am not sure if this is cut to avoid the road) 

One Colour a Day – Week 9

One Colour a Day – Week 9

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA week of cooking and dining! Pancake day, followed by Valentine’s Day (and a slightly groggy morning from curry and wine), then going out drinking for a rare occurance. We made Vermont Baked Beans and Carlin Pea Casserole.

One Colour a Day – Week 8

One Colour a Day – Week 8

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe forgotton week. I didn’t really keep up with this week. Hence a few pallete remnants really.

One Colour a Day – Week 6

One Colour a Day – Week 6

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis week has been a little non-descript. It’s interesting, actually, when faced with trying to create a colour each day, even though I love colours, my mind goes blank at times. I think the first three show this. Steak dinners came into this, and other 

Watercolour Landscapes: St Aidan’s, Rounday, Meanwood

Watercolour Landscapes: St Aidan’s, Rounday, Meanwood

Reading Time: 2 minutesAnd some more… I’ve really been beavering away with the watercolours this last couple of weeks. This was a bit of a quick experiment – actually the fourth of a set of quick experients. The original image was posted on the a photography group. This