Program 342/44b. Report.
Sir. Incoming diplomatic transmission from Agent 1479 on the Planet Sol 3, known by it’s inhabitants as ‘Earth’.
Program 342/44b. Report.
Following the collapse of the previous civilizations on Sol 3, the rebuild has not been successful. The innate aggression and avarice has remained.
Isolated pockets of transcendence remain, and whilst we should consider if any intellectual and genetic material should be salvaged from these examples, the remainder of the population has degenerated. Superstition and intolerance has led to religious fanaticism and war, and the stronger examples of the species hoard wealth and consumables while others are left wanting. This is over and above the normal process of social evolution.
There is general increase in opinion among the native species that their society is in its end days. Our assessments confirm this is an accurate teleological position.
Request removal and reintegration into Canopan society, and recommend withdrawal of all intervention on Sol 3.
The Human Experiment has failed.
…all will be revealed…