Phone Cameras again
I’ve been lugging cameras around slightly less often recently – this is me, I go through phases of hyperfocus and then doing other things, and for a while have done a bit more with my phone.
After crackng my Huawei during the stress of Covid I have been waiting to be able to upgrade for a while and recently took delivery of a Samsung S20FE.
I have to say after for all the hype of a Leica lens on the Huawei I was a little underwhelmed, but I have to say the photos on the S20FE are great.
Here’s a few from a walk round Meanwood on the way to work.
As you can see, it’s coped very well with some quite intense light. Of course these are Jpegs hyped up with high saturation, as this is what people tend to expect from a camera phone, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with that if it is done well.
I also tried a few close up images, which have also performed very well, though it is sometimes hard to get the focus perfect.
I also played with the endless panorama function. This is a bit gimmicky, but then I do use stiched panoramas myself and it’s quite amazing how the phone does all this on the fly when my laptop takes ages!
I took a few more further along the route to work on Woodhouse Ridge and St Georges Field.
All in all I am very impressed and look forward to using the camera on the S20FE some more. I think my only complaint is that in Pro Mode I can change anything apart from the aperture. But like any camera learing to use it based on what it does gives the best results.