Garden Sketching

I think we’vr had a marginally better summer this year, or at least subjectively, I have managed to experience more of it from somewhere otger than sat in the office.

The other evening I took the new Mungyo colours out in the front garden in the evening to just do a few sketches.

This a rough study of the hydrangea…

Hydrangea study – Watercolour on Paper

…and the potted geraniums.

Geraniums – Watercolour on paper

I also did this rough sketch of the view across the road to the small green with the very impressive pine tree, this on the Poundland paper that I picked up which I will talk some more about shortly.

Bentley Green Sketch – Watercolour on paper

There’s a bit of a point to this breif post. These are not great images – certainly not ones I would include in any portfolio, but the aim is to get out and sketch. Anything you produce, however rough is of value in practice, testing and leaerning.

The Bentley Green sketch was inspired by the pine tree and the way that the branches spread into the sky. The Pouldland paper is interesting. It is reasonably heavy – 300gsm, but minimally (if at all) sized, and very absorbant. A such, it does not buckle, it just soaks water like a sponge and lies flat, but creates wonderful blurs, which is what I wanted to play with – and this has inspired a whole set of images which I will post when they are complete.

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