What an Absolute Fucking Debacle

What an Absolute Fucking Debacle

Reading Time: 6 minutesYes, you heard, A fucking debacle. I’ve been ummng-and-ahhing whether to write anything about this nonsense for some days now, but I need to vent on this and, hell, no-one ever really reads my wafflings so I will do it here and hope when fame 

The New Normal

The New Normal

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis Buzzword is becoming apparent for how things have changed. What we can and cannot do (which seems to change each day). It’s hard to think creatively at times. There’s things we need to be grateful for all around though. Making Pizza. A strage randon 



Reading Time: 3 minutesSo here we are. After the increasing wierdness of the last few weeks Boris has shut us down. We’re confined to our homes, mostly. It started off feeling a bit exciting. We were sent to work at home to minimise people in the building. I 

On The Road

On The Road

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe went to Opera in The Park, which was brilliant, and had me in tears when they opened with O Fortuna! from Carmina Burana. Much as I complain at times about Leeds Shitty Council wasting money, I think there are worse things they could spend 

Not A Thimble

Not A Thimble

Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you move in such circles, you may have heard about the stupid fucking furore surrounding Thimbleberry Festival. This is a small underground festival, which as had it’s license pulled and the organiser up on criminal charges for alleged drug issues at the event. Here’s 

Treatise on Epistimologies

Treatise on Epistimologies

Reading Time: 3 minutesOnce upon a time there was an epistemology called positivism. This was made up by some French men with beards, who got a bit worried that no one would take them seriously because they were not scientists. They decided that you had to study everything 



Reading Time: < 1 minuteLast night we tried to go for a party in Clayton Quarry. We managed this for about 10 minutes, the Police already swarming around the top of the road when we arrived. This was fairly unsurprising, as you could hear the bloody thing from the