Remedy Hallowe’en

Remedy Hallowe’en

Reading Time: 2 minutesThere’s no great story or much inspriational to say for some posts. This is the latest club night set. Remedy at Beaver Works is always good, and Hallowe’en especially so as many people go above and beyond dressing up!



Reading Time: 2 minutesDidn’t seem to take very meany at Sunrise this time. But here’s a few.



Reading Time: 2 minutesI have been out and about in the clubs again recently with this set from Sunrise at the West Indian Centre. Not a massive amount to say really, other than that I am quite proud of the set I got from here.

Remedy  – March Free Party

Remedy – March Free Party

Reading Time: 2 minutesAnother dose of clubbing shots from my regular haunt Remedy at Beaverworks in Leeds. I have played about with some zoom burst effects recently, and as always using my long shutter speeds for full psychedelic effect… This was an interesting night – the planned event 

A Detached Night

A Detached Night

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis night was quite interesting as a photographer. I felt off all night – my back hurt and I had a dodgy stomach. I’ve managed some quite good shots, but it is interesting that in many of them my detachment from the night comes out 

Remedy – January Free Party

Remedy – January Free Party

Reading Time: 2 minutesAnother instalment of the place I shoot most – Remedy at Leeds Beaverworks. I only really have half the night from this one and did not take many shots, as I was very tired and slouched about backstage for quite a while. I was also 

The Full Works

The Full Works

Reading Time: 3 minutesEvery year, Beaver Works which is one of the venues I shoot at regularly, hosts a ‘Mad Friday’ party, bringing together many of the events which take place there throughout the year. This year the event fell on my birthday, so I had to go, 

Dirt Vs WYTM

Dirt Vs WYTM

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis was an interesting and challenging night. It’s a new night at Beaverworks, where I often shoot and had the interesting set up of a Metal and Alternative night (with live bands) at the top, and a techno night in the basement. There is actually 

Hallowe’en in Space

Hallowe’en in Space

Reading Time: 2 minutesFor one of the regular nights I shoot at, Remedy, Hallowe’en is the big one where they pull out all the stops to create a crazy and over the top event. I produced nearly 150 images from this event – this is just a small 



Reading Time: < 1 minuteJust a quick one – after light night I ended up in a little techno night. Some girl (half) jokingly commented that it was her turf, so I thought I’d take a few shots  – mostly because I was a bit drunk and irritating, but 

More Waterfront Adventures

More Waterfront Adventures

Reading Time: 2 minutes…long term project to shoot the canal network in West Yorkshire. Some of this I manage to do with the toddler in tow, as these in Wakefield, where there is also a lovely play park outside the Hepworth Gallery.

I will be making these into a book some time. What is interesting is the differences in my editing style …

Alien Landscapes

Alien Landscapes

Reading Time: 3 minutesKodak Ektachrome Professional Infrared EIR Film has become a bit of a holy grail for experimental photographers, and I have seen it command prices of over £100 on ebay. I was lucky enough to get hold of a roll in a mixed bundle of old films (along with 2 HIE Black and White infra-red rolls for about £14 – I guess the guy didn’t know what he had!).

EIR is a ‘false colour’ technical film, coated on an Estar base with a sensitivity from 380-900nm – this covers the full visible spectrum and some of the near-UV and all of the near-IR range. Near Infra-red wavelengths are rendered as a deep visible red, and due to the ‘Woods Effect’ (reflection of n-IR wavelengths from foliage) this means that foliage comes out in this colour creating strange and bizarre visual effects.