Tag: monochrome

Fighting Spotlights

Fighting Spotlights

Reading Time: 2 minutes Something that comes up in discussion more and more amongst music photographers recently is the curse of the LED spot. These may have their benefits for cost, power and the environment, but they are bloody annoying for photographers. Unlike a normal incandescent light with a 

The Evil Airbrush

The Evil Airbrush

Reading Time: 3 minutes …And at the end of the day, fashion photography is marketing. Whilst many of us will happily buy a misshapen carrot, if you want to advertise carrots you would show them in their best light. If you don’t like it then just avoid the fashion industry, as it is not going to change. Sorry.
Sozzani’s comment is meaningless. I would warrant that the ‘very few’ who don’t use Photoshop don’t use it because they use something else…

Black and White Gig Shots

Black and White Gig Shots

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve used monochrome conversions for gig shots on a couple of occasions, often when the lights are poor, as it can give a moody and timless effect, like an old black and white zine. Ilford produce a black and white film – Delta 3200, which 

Cool Monochrome

Cool Monochrome

Reading Time: 3 minutes I decided to load the little Franka AF-300 Plastic Camera I found in Scarborough with some black and white film – Fuji Neopan 100. This is (as the name suggests) an ISO 100 Monochrome film, with fine grain and as you can see from these 

Leeds Street Shots

Leeds Street Shots

Reading Time: 2 minutes We went into town the other day, for something to do, to have a look at the Leeds Museum, which opened (in its current form aabout a year ago, and I have never, so far, been). I didn’t really take many pictures in the museum